I am on (bone) break.

Some of you will already know that I’m out of commission for the summer after a fairly freakish accident. Lots of people have been asking what happened, so I decided to post the scoop.

The night of Sunday July 6, I was at the grocery store. Walking in the banana aisle, I misstepped, rolling my left ankle off my sandal. No actual bananas were involved, much to my chagrin. I went down hard and fast, tearing through ligaments and dislocating my tibia. In a brilliant move, I instinctively tried to get up again. The pressure caused my fibula to fracture and exit through the skin of my ankle. This is called an open fracture. I wouldn’t recommend getting one.

X-ray of ankle

I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. They sedated me before resetting the bone (pushing it back into place in my leg) and then put a plaster cast on to stabilize my leg until they could do surgery in the morning.

The surgery went well, and I now have the nickname Frankenfoot, due to the plate, screws, wires and staples holding things together while I heal.

I’ll be off my feet (no weight-bearing) for at least another 6 weeks, and will be doing lots of physiotherapy after that time to get my left leg back into action.

Luckily, I have a ton of books on my reading list!

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